Conducting WBL Mentoring
I have been asked to be a Mentor. It has become a worldwide practice for an employer to assign a mentor to employees who are new or less experienced, in order to bring out their best potential. This in return will translate into a more efficient employee, and even higher profits for the employer and the company they are running. Thus it is in the employers’ interest to assign mentoring duties to an individual who will bring out the best of those individuals being mentored. Mentors are not chosen at random, and if one has been assigned mentoring duties, it is a sign of the employers trust in the individual to perform such a duty within the workplace. Having been chosen to mentor, also indirectly implies that they are now responsible for the improvement of the staff members assigned as mentees. It is the Mentors responsibility to Thus as a Mentor these are the basic questions to ask in order to identify details regarding the: Who? Where? What? Why? How? of mentoring. Planning Ahead Mentoring is a serious process of professional development an individual goes through within a company, and it is the Mentors’ responsibility to achieve the … Read more