Find out more about the frequently used terms in VET and WBL!
This is a theory put forward by Malcolm Knowles, who refers to methods, principles and assumptions about the approach to and the characteristics of adult learners.
Source: Term adapted by author
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Assessment of Learning Outcomes
Process of appraising knowledge, know-how, skills and/or competences of an individual against predefined criteria (learning expectations, measurement of learning outcomes). Assessment is typically followed by certification.
Source: Cedefop (2014). Terminology of European education and training policy: a selection of 130 terms.
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an apprenticeship is a job with training to industry standards. It should be in a recognised occupation, involve a substantial programme of on and off-the-job training
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Cedefop is one of the EU’s decentralised agencies. Founded (1) in 1975 and based in Greece since 1995, Cedefop supports development of European vocational education and training (VET) policies and contributes to their implementation. The agency is helping the European Commission, EU Member States and the social partners to develop the right European VET policies.
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Common Europeam Framework of Reference for Languages
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages organises language proficiency in six levels, A1 to C2. The levels are defined through ‘can do’ descriptors.
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competence means the proven ability to use knowledge, skills and personal, social and/or methodological abilities, in work or study situations and in professional and personal development." They are described in terms of responsibility and autonomy.
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In the simplest terms, ‘curriculum’ is a description of what, why, how and how well students should learn in a systematic and intentional way. The curriculum is not an end in itself but rather a means to fostering quality learning.
Source: UNESCO (2013). IBE Glossary of Curriculum Terminology
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European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training
Technical framework for transfer, validation and, where appropriate, accumulation of learning outcomes by individuals, to achieve a qualification. ECVET tools and methodology comprise a description of qualifications in units of learning outcomes with associated points, a transfer and accumulation process and complementary documents such as learning agreements, transcripts of records and ECVET users’ guides.
Source: Cedefop (2014). Terminology of European education and training policy: a selection of 130 terms.
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Combination of factors (such as job-specific skills, soft skills) which enable individuals to progress towards or enter into employment, stay in employment and progress during their careers
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European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training
EQAVET is a community of practice that promotes European collaboration in developing and improving quality assurance in VET.
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European Qualifications Framework
The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) is a translation tool that helps understand and compare qualifications awarded in different countries and by different education and training systems. Its eight levels are described in terms of learning outcomes: knowledge, skills and competences.
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ESCO is the multilingual classification of European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations. ESCO is part of the Europe 2020 strategy.
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Launched in 1994, EURES is a European cooperation network of employment services, designed to facilitate the free movement of workers. EURES helps jobseekers to find jobs and employers to recruit from all over Europe.
Source : Adapted from
Five documents to make your skills and qualifications clearly and easily understood in Europe, namely the Curriculum Vitae, the language passport, the Europass Mobility, The Certificate Supplement and the Diploma Supplement
Source : Adapted by the author from
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Experiential Learning
Experiential learning is the application of theory and academic content to real-world experiences, either within the classroom, within the community, or within the workplace, which advances program or course-based learning outcomes that are specifically focused on employability skills.
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Feedback is an important component in a learning process. Feedback in educational contexts is information provided to a learner to reduce the gap between current performance and a desired goal (Sadler, 1989).
Source : Adapted from
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Formal Learning
Learning that occurs in an organised and structured environment (such as in an education or training institution or on the job) and is explicitly designated as learning (in terms of objectives, time or resources). Formal learning is intentional from the learner’s point of view. It typically leads to certification.
In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.
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Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes are statements that indicate what a learner knows, understands and is able to do following a learning process
Source : Adapted by Author
Non –Formal learning
Learning which is embedded in planned activities not explicitly designated as learning (in terms of learning objectives, learning time or learning support), but which contain an important learning element. Non-formal learning is intentional from the learner’s point of view. It typically does not lead to certification.
The art and science of teaching, as a professional practice and as a field of academic study. It encompasses not only the practical application of teaching but also curriculum issues and the body of theory relating to how and why learning takes place
Source UNESCO (2013). IBE Glossary of Curriculum Terminology
In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).
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Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) represent 99% of all businesses in the EU. The definition of an SME is important for access to finance and EU support programmes targeted specifically at these enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are defined in the EU recommendation 2003/361. The main factors determining whether an enterpriuse is an SME are staff headcount n turnover or balance sheet total.
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Work Based Learning
An approach to training in which a student or worker completes meaningful tasks in a workplace. Such programs are designed to prepare participants for full-time work and help them acquire the knowledge and skills they need to enter or advance in particular career fields.
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