Communication using digital tools
“You’re talking about a younger generation, Generation Y, whose interpersonal communication skills are different from Generation X. The younger generation is more comfortable saying something through a digital mechanism than even face to face.” Erik Qualman This quote highlights the importance and increasing need to use digital communication in all facets of life, including education and work-based learning. The way young people learn has significantly changed in the last decade, mainly through the ubiquity of ICT. Generation Y have been using digital tools for their learning since early childhood. These changes in education largely influence their preferred methods to communicate, search for information, but also as a way to test and assess their knowledge. At the same time, digital communication tools and channels also represent effective and flexible ways for online communication between different stakeholders. Considering the fast-paced environment of companies and increasing workload of their employees (including mentors/coaches/instructors involved in WBL on daily basis), using digital communication tools to communicate with WBL students and support their learning by using these tools offers new possibilities that has proven to be effective and time-efficient. Although, face to face interaction remains important and somewhat inevitable, the application of digital communication tools … Read more