Hiring Internationally - Where to start…..
Many companies consider recruiting employees from other European companies, however many face apprehensions and uncertainties when beginning their journey on such recruitment campaigns. Many considerations in such campaigns can often be beyond the expertise of HR staff, such as language capabilities, qualification recognition, legal aspects etc.
For many companies wishing to recruit internationally, be it qualified skilled workers, apprentices or even interns, a service provided by the European union has proven invaluable.
EURES: a bridge between employers and jobseekers across Europe
This European recruiting service provides a platform for employers and jobseekers across Europe to connect with one another, provifng cuntless benefits and solving many of the recruiting challenges that companies can face int their local regions.
How can employers benefit from the EURES Network
There are many business sectors in Europe is a sector that often can locate the skilled personnel it needs to fill vacancies and provide a quality experience to it customers . Factors such as location and geography, or requirements of a specific skill set can take on a new dimension when companies widen their recruitment outside of their own regions.
A vast pool of job-seeker, support in recruitment process, and many other benefits to companies that are hiring! EURES can help solve many recruiting challenges for your company. But how exactly do I get my company job advertisement out to be viewed by thousands of job seeker across Europe.
Guideline on how to use the EURES tool – for employers
- 1 Hiring Internationally – Legal
Companies hiring recruits form other EU countries are often confronted with legal questions that they are often uncertain of or even intimated by. What special considerations must I take if my company hires from another country? Do these recruits have the same or different rights then others) What are my obligations as an employer, and what are the obligations of the employee?
Companies hiring from different countries need to be aware that regulations governing employment differ from one EU country to the next EU country and the demands on worker can vary. This useful tool gives an overview of the regulations in each EU country.
Online Tool : Living and working in the EU
Looking at how others country structure their employment regulations can provide an insight into how recruited employees from other EU countries may have a different perspective in the employer-employee relationship. Across the EU there are agencies in place to ensure that employees from other EU countries are being given the working rights they are entitled to.
Example Germany: Employer & EU worker obligations
- 2 Hiring Internationally - Intercultural competence
When hiring international many companies have found that not only has a vacant position been filled, but many international recruiments bring an often unforeseen added-vale that a recruitment from the local region may not have delivered. Different perspectives and new approachs to problems can often be very beneficial to companies
5 reasons why diversity is good for business
To achieve these added value benefits from international recruits, companies iften find that the too themselves have to begin to adapt to different perspective and new approaches that international recruits can bring with them. Sometimes these different approaches can at first seem unfamiliar and peculiar. Challenges of Intercultural communication in the workplace
Interaction in the workplace, different ways of communication and dynamics of working teams can be changed by the introduction of international employees. Here are some tips on these changes can be managed and how companies can learn to adapt.