
Sib aktar dwar it-termini użati ta ‘spiss fl-ETV u l-WBL! Andragogy Din hija teorija mressqa minn Malcolm Knowles, li jirreferi għal metodi, prinċipji u suppożizzjonijiet dwar l-approċċ u l-karatteristiċi ta ‘studenti adulti. Sors: Terminu adattat mill-awtur Referenza Addizzjonali : Valutazzjoni tar-Riżultati tat-Tagħlim Proċess ta ‘stima ta’ għarfien, għarfien, ħiliet u / jew kompetenzi ta ‘individwu kontra kriterji predefiniti (aspettattivi ta’ tagħlim, kejl ta ‘riżultati ta’ tagħlim). Valutazzjoni hija tipikament segwita minn ċertifikazzjoni Sors:  Cedefop (2014). Terminology of European education and training policy: a selection of 130 terms. Referenza Addizzjonali : Apprendistat apprendistat huwa xogħol b’taħriġ għall-istandards tal-industrija. Għandu jkun f’impjieg rikonoxxut, jinvolvi programm sostanzjali ta ‘taħriġ fuq u barra mill-impjieg Sors: CEDEFOP Ċentru Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp ta ‘Taħriġ Vokazzjonali Is-Cedefop hija waħda mill-aġenziji deċentralizzati tal-UE. Imwaqqaf (1) fl-1975 u bbażat fil-Greċja mill-1995, is-Cedefop jappoġġja l-iżvilupp ta ‘politiki Ewropej ta’ edukazzjoni u taħriġ vokazzjonali (ETV) u jikkontribwixxi għall-implimentazzjoni tagħhom. L-aġenzija qed tgħin lill-Kummissjoni Ewropea, l-Istati Membri tal-UE u l-imsieħba soċjali biex jiżviluppaw il-politiki tal-ETV Ewropej it-tajba. Sors: Referenza Addizzjonali :   CEFR Qafas Komuni Ewropew ta ‘Referenza għal-Lingwi Il-Qafas Komuni Ewropew ta ’Referenza għal-Lingwi jorganizza l-profiċjenza tal-lingwa f’sitt livelli, A1 sa C2. Il-livelli huma definiti permezz ta … Read more

Besednjak Terminov

Izvedite več o pogosto uporabljenih izrazih v poklicnem izobraževanju in usposabljanju!   Andragogija To je teorija, ki jo je predstavil Malcolm Knowles in se sklicuje na metode, načela in predpostavke o pristopu in značilnostih odraslih učencev. Vir: Izraz priredil avtor Dodatna referenca:   Ocenjevanje učnih rezultatov Proces ocenjevanja znanja, znanja, spretnosti in / ali kompetenc posameznika glede na vnaprej določena merila (učna pričakovanja, merjenje učnih rezultatov). Ocenjevanju običajno sledi certificiranje. Vir: Cedefop (2014). Terminology of European education and training policy: a selection of 130 terms. Dodatna referenca:   Vajeništvo vajeništvo je delo z usposabljanjem po industrijskih standardih. Ukvarjati se mora s priznanim poklicem, vključevati obsežen program usposabljanja na delovnem mestu in izven njega Vir: CEDEFOP Evropski center za razvoj poklicnega usposabljanja Cedefop je ena od decentraliziranih agencij EU. Cedefop, ustanovljen leta 1975 in s sedežem v Grčiji od leta 1995, podpira razvoj evropskih politik poklicnega izobraževanja in usposabljanja in prispeva k njihovemu izvajanju. Agencija pomaga Evropski komisiji, državam članicam EU in socialnim partnerjem pri razvoju pravih evropskih politik PIU. Vir: Dodatna referenca:   CEFR Skupni jezikovni referenčni okvir Skupni evropski jezikovni okvir organizira znanje jezika na šestih ravneh, od A1 do C2. Ravni so opredeljene … Read more


Descubra los términos más utilizados en la EFP y el WBL. Andragogía Es una teoría planteada por Malcolm Knowles, que se refiere a los métodos, principios y supuestos sobre el enfoque y las características de los alumnos adultos. Fuente: Término adaptado por el autor Referencia adicional:   Evaluación de los resultados del aprendizaje Proceso de valoración de los conocimientos, el saber hacer, las destrezas y/o las competencias de un individuo en función de criterios predefinidos (expectativas de aprendizaje, medición de los resultados del aprendizaje). La evaluación suele ir seguida de una certificación. Fuente:  Cedefop (2014). Terminology of European education and training policy: a selection of 130 terms. Referencia adicional:   Aprendizaje Un aprendizaje es un trabajo con formación según los estándares de la industria. Debe ser en una ocupación reconocida, implicar un programa sustancial de formación en el trabajo y fuera del trabajo Fuente: CEDEFOP Centro Europeo para el Desarrollo de la Formación Profesional El Cedefop es una de las agencias descentralizadas de la UE. Fundado (1) en 1975 y con sede en Grecia desde 1995, el Cedefop apoya el desarrollo de las políticas europeas de educación y formación profesional (EFP) y contribuye a su aplicación. La … Read more


Find out more about the frequently used terms in VET and WBL! Andragogy This is a theory put forward by Malcolm Knowles, who refers to methods, principles and assumptions about the approach to and  the characteristics of adult learners. Source: Term adapted by author Additional Reference : Assessment of Learning Outcomes Process of appraising knowledge, know-how, skills and/or competences of an individual against predefined criteria (learning expectations, measurement of learning outcomes). Assessment is typically followed by certification. Source:  Cedefop (2014). Terminology of European education and training policy: a selection of 130 terms. Additional References : Apprenticeship an apprenticeship is a job with training to industry standards. It should be in a recognised occupation, involve a substantial programme of on and off-the-job training Source : CEDEFOP European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training Cedefop is one of the EU’s decentralised agencies. Founded (1) in 1975 and based in Greece since 1995, Cedefop supports development of European vocational education and training (VET) policies and contributes to their implementation. The agency is helping the European Commission, EU Member States and the social partners to develop the right European VET policies. Source : Additional References :   CEFR … Read more


Lernen Sie mehr über die oft verwendeten Begriffe in der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung! Andragogik Dies ist eine von Malcolm Knowles aufgestellte Theorie, die sich auf Methoden, Prinzipien und Annahmen über die Herangehensweise an und die Eigenschaften von erwachsenen Lernenden bezieht. Zusätzliche Referenz: Bewertung von Lernergebnissen Prozess der Beurteilung von Wissen, Know-how, Fertigkeiten und/oder Kompetenzen einer Person anhand vordefinierter Kriterien (Lernerwartungen, Messung von Lernergebnissen). Auf die Bewertung folgt typischerweise eine Zertifizierung. Quelle:  Cedefop (2014). Terminologie der europäischen Bildungs- und Ausbildungspolitik: eine Auswahl von 130 Begriffen. Weitere Referenzen: Lehrlingsausbildung Eine Lehre ist ein Arbeitsplatz mit einer Ausbildung nach Industriestandards. Es sollte sich um einen anerkannten Beruf handeln, der ein umfangreiches Programm an inner- und außerbetrieblicher Ausbildung beinhaltet. Quelle :   CEDEFOP Europäisches Zentrum für die Förderung der Berufsbildung Das Cedefop ist eine der dezentralen Agenturen der EU. Gegründet (1) im Jahr 1975 und seit 1995 in Griechenland ansässig, unterstützt das Cedefop die Entwicklung der europäischen Berufsbildungspolitik und trägt zu deren Umsetzung bei. Die Agentur unterstützt die Europäische Kommission, die EU-Mitgliedstaaten und die Sozialpartner bei der Entwicklung der richtigen europäischen Berufsbildungspolitik. Quelle : Zusätzliche Referenzen :   CEFR Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen für Sprachen Der Gemeinsame Europäische Referenzrahmen … Read more

Conducting WBL Mentoring

I have been asked to be a Mentor. It has become a worldwide practice for an employer to assign a mentor to employees who are new or less experienced, in order to bring out their best potential. This in return will translate into a more efficient employee, and even higher profits for the employer and the company they are running. Thus it is in the employers’ interest to assign mentoring duties to an individual who will bring out the best of those individuals being mentored.   Mentors are not chosen at random, and if one has been assigned mentoring duties, it is a sign of the employers trust in the individual to perform such a duty within the workplace. Having been chosen to mentor, also indirectly implies that they are now responsible for the improvement of the staff members assigned as mentees. It is the Mentors responsibility to  Thus as a Mentor these are the basic questions to ask in order to identify details regarding the: Who? Where? What? Why? How? of mentoring.   Planning Ahead Mentoring is a serious process of professional development an individual goes through within a company, and it is the Mentors’ responsibility to achieve the … Read more

Employees abroad: All you need to know!

An internship in another European country holds benefits for all involved parties: the sending organisation, the receiving organisation and the intern. Besides organising a learning opportunity directly between two companies, there is the option to apply for funding via a mobility project funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.   Everyone knows that university students use Erasmus to study abroad for a semester – but your apprentices can do this too!  

Compare WBL Quality Standards

How do you make sure Vocational Education and Training (VET) is corresponding with European Standards? What if there was a framework to help you with that? It has become more and more important for EU Member States and their VET-providers to implement comparable quality assurance frameworks in VET. The “European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training” (EQAVET) offers you as employer or HR manager a framework to help you document, develop, monitor, evaluate and improve the effectiveness of your VET services and quality management systems. In short, the EQAVET framework supports you in improving your Quality Assurance policies and making them comparable to European Standards. The main goal of EQAVET is to improve the transparency, consistency and transferability of VET providers all over Europe. The framework contains a quality assurance cycle that has been constructed on certain quality criteria, descriptors and indicators that can be used in quality management. The quality assurance cycle consists of four phases: planning, implementation, evaluation and practices. EQAVET is a voluntary tool that can be implemented gradually, based on national legislation and practices. How does it benefit learners? Implementing the framework helps to improve the employability and mobility of learners because it aims to … Read more

Communication using digital tools

“You’re talking about a younger generation, Generation Y, whose interpersonal communication skills are different from Generation X. The younger generation is more comfortable saying something through a digital mechanism than even face to face.” Erik Qualman   This quote highlights the importance and increasing need to use digital communication in all facets of life, including education and work-based learning. The way young people learn has significantly changed in the last decade, mainly through the ubiquity of ICT.  Generation Y have been using digital tools for their learning since early childhood. These changes in education largely influence their preferred methods to communicate, search for information, but also as a way to test and assess their knowledge. At the same time, digital communication tools and channels also represent effective and flexible ways for online communication between different stakeholders. Considering the fast-paced environment of companies and increasing workload of their employees (including mentors/coaches/instructors involved in WBL on daily basis), using digital communication tools to communicate with WBL students and support their learning by using these tools offers new possibilities that has proven to be effective and time-efficient. Although, face to face interaction remains important and somewhat inevitable, the application of digital communication tools … Read more

Best WBL Practices for SMES and large Companies/Multis

How can companies get involved in apprenticeship/WBL programs? How can they get a good apprentice/student? How can they help this student to become a qualified worker?Apprenticeship/WBL programs are set up differently across Europe. As an employer or HR manager to successfully involve in this process, we will give you some good general ideas which will help you.Attending an open day at schoolSchools can arrange an open day where the companies can introduce themselves to students. It is a very good idea to attend that kind of event. It will take your time, but you will be able to get in contact with the best candidates.  Companies’ open day The other idea is that the company can arrange an open day and invite students to visit and show them around. Students can get the idea of where and how they are going to work.   Attending education and professions fairIf there is something like that organized, it is a good idea to attend. You can see how other companies promote themselves, you can get a sense of which profession is the most interesting for future students and maybe that will give you some ideas on how to turn this trend around.It is good to … Read more