Communication between mentors and VET institutions

Communication elements and transactions The word “communication” is derived from Latin (communicare) in the sense of communicating, consulting, discussing. Through communication we exchange knowledge, information in experience, communicate, persuade, disseminate or control people who are different in one way or another. It is about processing information about mutual communication. The communication process is a process of an exchange of information, (in-formare= something put into shape, design that can give shape to something, clarification, etc.) the Communication refers to a process of transmitting information for the purpose of mutual communication. Communication process is a continuous and dynamic inter-action between sender and a receiver, and it is affected by many variables.   Elements of communication There are seven elements of communication process. They are as follows: Sender The sender is a person who intends to convey a message with the intention of passing information and ideas to another person. Ideas, Information This is the centrepiece of communication or the subject matter of the communication. This may be a thought, opinion, belief, view, feeling, orders, suggestion or advice. Encoding To convey a message which is rather theoretical and intangible, the message should be conveyed in the form of symbols (words, pictures, actions, and … Read more


Nowadays one of the biggest challenges the employers face is finding the qualified staff that possess the needed skills and knowledge to take on the difficult challenges of their job. As the labour market gets more and more competitive it gets harder to stand out to an employer between the hundreds of candidates applying for the same position with the same level of experience. This is where the portfolio plays an important role in the selection prose as it acts as the first impression the employer gets on the candidate as well as it is the first step in reviewing process to determine whether the candidate have demonstrated the necessary level of experience and knowledge. The portfolio is a formal way for the student to present their abilities, achievements and work experience to a prospective employer. Some of the key benefits of a portfolio are the ability to enable students to discover, document, and develop their skills, reinforce the integration of academic skills, reflect on work and goal setting, establish and strengthen their integrity and so on. A portfolio should consist of different documents that provide insight into the achievements of a student/apprentice during a practice/apprenticeship. These documents are: Learner’s … Read more

Case study – interpersonal skills in the workplace

During the first week on the job, the intern is preparing for the farmers market by making signage, packing materials, and learning about the produce being sold. At the first market, the intern is asked to help with cash sales, answer questions from customers about the farming practices, and suggest other products (eggs, honey, meat, cheese) can be purchased or meal ideas. The intern would consistently say that they “did not know” in response to questions from customers and eventually, stood back from the table and avoided making eye contact. As more and more customers relied on fewer staff members to answer questions and complete their purchases, a long line of customers grew. Eventually, people walked away from the table to visit other vendors. Some did not return. While this was going on, the intern stood back behind the other staff and started checking their phone. The supervisor asked the intern to take over the cash register. Unsure of all the prices, the intern would ask customers how much certain produce was as they processed their orders and charge them accordingly. At the end of the day, the cash flow did not equal the produce sold. The supervisor had a … Read more

Feedback Session

PART 1 Think about the situation you had to give a feedback to another person relevant to your workplace and position. Write a short article to demonstrate different strategies used to provide a constructive feedback. Once you have identified the situation and completed the article, proceed to the “giving feedback checklist” (Part 2). Complete the checklist following the instructions. Completing this part of the learning forward all the outputs of this exercise to your trainer for assessment and feedback. PART 2 Giving Feedback Checklist Complete the following checklist based on a recent experience of providing feedback to a colleague or peer.  Take time to consider if you would do it differently and what ways you might go about improving the way you give feedback.

Practical examples from Industry

Read the following Google Forms about the practical examples from industry and do the provided activities.   Wird geladen…

EU Qualification Framework

Read the followig Google Form about the EU Qualification Framework and do the provided activities.   Wird geladen…

Intercultural competence

Read the following Google Form about intercultural competence and do the provided activities.   Wird geladen…

Hiring Internationally

Read the following Google Form about Hiring Internationally and do the following activities. Wird geladen…